Digital Engagements
WINK+, is a first-of-its-kind award winning commuter centric loyalty service app for use by consumers, advertisers and merchants. It integrates our offline and online capabilities to provide a uniquely targeted engagement approach through gamified activations and direct reach ad banner exposure to a strong, loyal follower base in Singapore.
Advertising & Retail Marketing
Take advantage of our operational expertise in project marketing, lease management, facility maintenance and advertising & media management to increase yield and capital value of your commercial assets.
Retail Property Management
We have solutions and services to design all factors that drive profitability. We develop and implement innovative strategies and operations that bring customers and grow businesses.
Retail Store Layout Planning
Create retail spaces that delight by optimizing traffic flow and customer behaviour to maximise space-efficiency and minimise construction costs.
Tenant Engagement Strategies
Create retail spaces that delight by optimizing traffic flow and customer behaviour to maximise space-efficiency and minimise construction costs.
Property Maintenance Strategies
Our experience-borne strategies guide and streamline reactive, preventive, and predictive maintenance activities. Keep property asset values up and keep your tenants and customers safe and satisfied.
Customer Experience for Transit Spaces
Service Excellence drives business. Our deep understanding of the commuter journey and expectations in a fast-paced transit space sets us apart. Use our experience to accelerate yours!
Customer Experience (CX) Framework
We offer expertise in Customer Experience strategy, design and implementation. We’ll teach you how to persuade stakeholders and employees to adopt, fund, and implement an engaging CX strategy.
Marketing Ecosystem Consultancy
Build up core marketing capabilities in analytics, branding, User Experience (UX), and creative/media campaign planning to support and create business opportunities. Commercialise creativity for growth!
Transit-Oriented Development Consultancy
Revitalise communities and realise the potential for transit-supportive land uses with high-quality mixed-used developments.
Workspace Solutions
Staytion is a dynamic digital platform offering scalable, flexible workspace solutions for businesses. With real-time access to diverse spaces—ranging from hot desks to meeting rooms—Staytion caters to the evolving needs of remote teams, startups, and companies. Seamlessly book workspaces on-the-go and empower your business with an innovative hybrid work strategy.
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